Jag råkade radera förra inlägget, så jag kan inte länka, men jag fick i alla fall ett "frieri" av en okänd man via Facebook även den gången.
Den här gången kom det här meddelandet:
Den här gången kom det här meddelandet:
It's a beautiful day here and I want to believe it's the same for you. I saw you profile pic and thought I should write you. I love your smile, I can hopefully think that your heart speaks the same as your beautiful smile. Beauty, I believe should radiate from the inside and not just limited to the smiles. You seem truly a nice person and that drew my attention to you. Could you give a chance to meet you?
It's a beautiful day here and I want to believe it's the same for you. I saw you profile pic and thought I should write you. I love your smile, I can hopefully think that your heart speaks the same as your beautiful smile. Beauty, I believe should radiate from the inside and not just limited to the smiles. You seem truly a nice person and that drew my attention to you. Could you give a chance to meet you?
Min profilbild togs för över 10 år sedan. Kanske dax att uppdatera den? =)
Hahaha vad härligt!!! :) jag tror jag måste skaffa FB jag också. ;)
SvaraRaderaHa ha sådana meddelanden får aldrig jag. Kanske för att min profilbild är på katten, hästen eller nån annan fyrbenting =)
SvaraRaderaKram ♥
Hahaha!! Underbart! Vem vet, det kanske är menat. :p